



  • - (經過提煉或挑選的) refined; picked; choice:

    polished white rice; 精白米

    fine gold; 精金

    - (完美; 最好) perfect; excellent:

    excellent; superior; of the best quality; 精良

    smaller quantity, better quality; fewer but better 少而精

    - (細) meticulous; fine; precise:

    This vase is a piece of exquisite workmanship. 這花瓶工藝很精。

    - (機靈心細) smart; sharp; clever; shrewd:

    be selfish and calculating; 小算盤打得精

    He is too smart not to jump at the chance. 他這人很精,不會錯過這個機會的。

    - (精通) skilled; conversant; proficient:

    have wide but not expert knowledge; know something about everything; 博而不精

    skilled in painting 精於繪畫

  • - (提煉出來的精華) essence; extract:

    essence of mint [resin]; 薄荷 [松香]精

    extract of roses [malt]; 玫瑰 [麥芽]精

    - (精神; 精力) energy; spirit:

    concentrate one's attention; be all attention; 聚精會神

    in low spirits; out of sorts; 無精打采

    - (精液; 精子) sperm; semen; seed:

    fertilization; 受精

    emission 遺精

    - (精怪; 精靈) goblin; spirit; demon:

    White Bone Demon; 白骨精

    ogre; mischief-maker; 害人精

    - {中醫} the fundamental substance which maintains the functioning of the body; essence of life
  • - (十分; 非常) extremely; very:

    soaked through; 精濕

    very lean; all skin and bone 精瘦



  1. 這些石油將被精鍊。
    The oil will be refined.
  2. 他精於品味。
    He has a refined palate.
  3. 他穿著制服十分精神。
    He looks very manly in his uniform.
  4. 小女孩對有關永生的精靈的古老傳奇非常感興趣。
    The little girl is very interested in the old legend of immortal creatures.
  5. 她的劍術非常精湛。
    Her fencing is very consummating.
  6. 她的裙子有非常精緻的花邊。
    Her skirt has very exquisite lace.
  7. 我在一家非常富有創新精神的公司工作。
    I worked in a very innovative company.


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