- 粘多糖貯積病IHS型MPS IHS
- 粘多糖貯積症Ⅰ型mucopolysaccharidosis type Ⅰ
- 黏多糖貯積症Ⅱ型mucopolysaccharidosis type Ⅱ
- 肝病包括黃疸、肝炎、肝硬化、腫瘤、血管阻塞、膿瘡和肝醣貯積病。"Liver disorders include jaundice, hepatitis, cirrhosis, tumours, vascular obstruction, abscess, and glycogen-storage diseases"
- 黏多糖貯積症mucopolysaccharidosis
- 粘多糖貯積病H型MPS H; mucopolysaccharidosis H
- 粘類小麥雄性不育系wheat male sterility of Nian type
- W型蓄熱式輻射管表面溫度分佈的數值模擬Numericai simulation on the surface temperature distribution of a W-shaped radiant-tube with regenerative burners
- 粘多糖貯積病mucopolysaccharidosis
- 粘多糖貯積病ⅡMPS Ⅱ
- 糖原貯積病Ⅰ型glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency; glycogenosis type Ⅰ; GT Ⅰ
- 糖原貯積病Ⅱ型Pompe disease
- 糖原貯積病Ⅲ型debrancher deficiency; limit dextrinosis; limit dextrinosis Ⅲ
- 糖原貯積病Ⅳ型amylopectinosis
- 糖原貯積病[Ⅱ型]Pompe disease
- 嬰兒型岩藻糖苷貯積病Infantile fucosidosis
- 粘多糖貯積病I型MPS I-H
- 粘多糖貯積病IS型MPS I-S; MPS IS; mucopolysaccharidosis IS
- 粘多糖貯積病Ⅰ型MPS Ⅰ; mucopolysaccharidosis Ⅰ
- 粘多糖貯積病Ⅱ型mucopolysaccharidosis Ⅱ