- 簡略simple
- 簡略的summary
- 我姑媽有一顆單純的心。My aunt has a simple heart.
- 她心地單純。She is simple-minded.
- 演講者最後說,他只是簡略地談了談這個題目,很不全面。The lecturer said in conclusion that he had treated the subject only imperfectly.
- 簡略地curtly
- 單純的思想primitive idea
- 這個主題太複雜,我無法只通過簡略的研究就對它做出公正的評價The subject is so complex that I cannot do justice to it in a brief survey.
- 單純的物質a simple substance
- 他簡略地回答我。He answers me shortly.
- 鼻咽癌單純放射治療后局部複發與首次放療照射野的關係Relationship of Locoregional Recurrence after Radiotherapy Alone and the Primary Radiation Fields in NPC
- 希望貴公司將具體計劃以及作為代售人有何要求,簡略見告。Will you please give us an outline of your concrete sales plan as well as your terms for acting as our consignee.
- 單純放療Radiotherapy
- 以簡略形式in capsule form
- 皰疹,單純herpes simplex
- 單純軍事觀點的來源:The sources of the purely military viewpoint are:
- 簡略談計劃to adumbrate the plan
- 單純肥胖Pure is obese
- 這位小說家對他作品中的人物只作簡略的勾畫。The novelist only gave a thumbnail sketch of his characters.
- 單純精神分裂症simple schizophrenia