- 簡化的DMC演算法simplified DMC algorithm
- DMC演算法DMC algorithm
- 簡化的reduced
- 本章中我們已用簡化的形式講述了典型數據處理的實例。In this chapter we have shown, in simplified form, a typical data processing application.
- 簡化simplify
- DMCDMC(Digital Mapping Camera)
- DMC影像digital mapping camera images
- 目前我只會做簡式太極拳,希望以後會做未簡化的全套太極拳。Well,I can only do the simplified version of Taijiquan at the moment. I hope some day soon I can do the original.
- 為了闡明主要論點,在圖9-1中,我們作了一些使之簡化的「小國」假設。To bring out the key points, we have made simplifying "small-country" assumptions in Figure 9. 1.
- 簡化的塊變步長自適應演算法Simplified Block Variable Step(SBVS)Adaptive Algorithm
- 對於位於境外的飛行訓練中心,請參閱「簡化的境外飛行訓練中心合格審定」For the training center located out of Chinese border, please refer to "Simplified out of Chinese border training center certification"
- 一種簡化的醫學圖像中軸提取演算法A Simplified Method Medical Image for Medial Axis Extraction
- 不可簡化的unreducible
- 簡化的計算shortcut calculation
- 簡化的依賴性pendence
- 簡化的陣列流形simplified array manifold
- 完全簡化的文法completely reduced grammar
- 簡化的試驗程序simplified test procedure
- 簡化的公用通道信令SCCS Simplified Common Channel Signaling
- 簡化的動力學方法reduced-dynamic method