
[xiào zhú yán kāi]




笑逐顏開 [xiào zhú yán kāi]
  • - A smile has driven all the hard lines in his face and brightened his countenance.; A smile crept across one's face.; beam with pleasure [smiles; joy]; be covered with smiles; be wreathed in smiles; feel happy and smile; give a broad smile; laugh cheerfully; make one's troubled face brighten up; One's face broke into smiles.; One's face flushed with pleasure.; One's face lit up in a smile [with joy].; One's face opened into wide smiles.; One's face relaxed into smiles.; One's face suffused with smiles.; One's face wrinkled [wreathed] in a broad smile.; The face is beaming with smiles of joy.:

    When the touring theatrical troupe arrived at the mountain village, the villagers all ran to tell one and another beaming with delight. 巡迴劇團來到山村,人們笑逐顏開,奔走相告。



  1. 他聽見這個好消息時,笑逐顏開。
    His face lit up with joy when he heard the good news.
  2. 澳洲是這麼可親,只要用鋤頭逗她發癢,她就會帶著收穫笑逐顏開了。
    Australia is so kind that, just tickles her with a hoe, and she laughs with a harvest.
  3. 他手舞足蹈笑逐顏開地迎接我們。
    He greeted us with an expansive gesture (eg he stretched his arms wide) and a wide smile.


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