- 火炬點亮了。The torch was lighted.
- 那聲音在空中持續了好久。The sound lingered in the air.
- 小女孩把球拋向空中。The little girl tossed her ball in the air.
- 火炬接力賽torch race
- 這些飛機可在空中接受加油飛機的加油。These planes could be refueled in the air by tankers.
- 點燃的火炬A lighted torch.
- 鞭子嗖地一聲在空中揮動。The whip swished through the air.
- 火炬象徵光明。A torch symbolizes the brightness (of the future).
- 煙囪向空中散發出濃煙。The chimney emitted thick smoke into the air.
- 科學的火炬the torch of science
- 光以直線經由空中傳送。Light is propagated through space in a straight line.
- 高舉火炬hold aloft the torch
- 飛機在空中只是一個斑點。the plane was just a speck in the sky.
- 無煙火炬smokeless flare
- 火焰迅速沖向空中。Flames shot up into the air.
- 火炬效率flare efficiency
- 旗幟在空中飛舞The banner flourished in the wind.
- 消滅火炬flare elimination
- 一枚土星號火箭把阿波羅宇宙飛船送入空中。A Saturn rocket hurled Apollo aloft.
- 火炬油torch oil