- 移動式X線攝影床movable x-ray radiographic table
- 方法應用移動式X光機和計算機攝影(computedradiography,cr)進行床旁投照,高解析度肖像型專業顯示器進行圖像顯示和分析。Methods The mobile X-ray system and computer radiography were used to take the bedside radiogram, and the high resolution portrait special monitor were used for display and analysis of the images.
- 兒科X線攝影床pediatric radiography table
- 移動式X線看片燈mobile film illuminator
- 可傾斜布凱線柵X線攝影床tilting Bucky table
- 在線in-line
- 移動式X光機Mobil x-ray system
- 移動式X線機mobile x-ray machine
- X射線攝影床X-ray radiographic table
- X射線特殊攝影床X-ray table for special use
- 乳腺X線攝影Mammography
- 移動式X射線機mobile X-ray unit
- X射線體層攝影床X-ray tomographic table
- X射線熒光攝影床X-ray photofluorographic table
- 鉬鈀X線攝影mammography
- 順序式X射線熒光光譜儀常見故障的診斷方法Diagnosis Method for Usual Malfunctions of Sequential X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer
- 移動式錄像機mobile videotape recorder
- 胃X線攝影gatric parietography
- 腺X線攝影adenography
- 移動式矮床trundle bed