- 稱suitable
- 昵稱pet name
- 盤子tray
- 人稱person
- 稱重to weigh
- 第一人稱first person
- 稱量metage
- 大盤子platter
- 據稱purportedly
- 上層架子上的盤子我伸手拿不到。The plates on the upper shelf were beyond my reach.
- 第三人稱third person
- 熱的盤子會損壞桌子的亮光漆面。Hot dishes may spoil the varnish on a table.
- 這些盤子疊得很平整。These plates stack well.
- 又稱have another name called
- 母親在廚房裡把盤子一個個疊起來。Mother is stacking the plates in the kitchen.
- 美稱good name
- 我不太懂得瓷器,估計不出這些盤子的價錢。I don't know enough about porcelain to be able to price these plates.
- 公稱nominal
- 這位女服務員先把盤子加熱,再裝飯菜端上來,考慮得真周到。It's considerate of the waitress to warm the plate before she serve the food.
- 標稱nominal