
[huò guó yāng mín]




禍國殃民 [huò guó yāng mín]
  • - wreck the country and bring ruin to the people [ruin the people]; be a bane to the country and the people; bring calamity [disaster; misfortune] to the country and (the) people; bring misfortune to the whole nation; bring untold suffering and damage to the state and the people; cause great harm to the country and bring calamity to the people; cause serious [grave] harm to the state and the people; compromise the state and bring misfortune upon the people; damage the country and bring calamity to the people; do (great) harm to the country and the people; harm [injure] the country and bring calamities on [to] the people; harm the country and the people; play havoc with the nation and the people; ruin a country and bring sorrow to its people:

    The Ultra-Leftist line was a line that would have wrecked a country, ruined the people, and led to the destruction of the Party and national subjugation. 極左路線是一條禍國殃民的路線,亡黨亡國的路線。

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