- 自如freely
- 神態(n) appearance; looks; manner
- 運用自如have a masterly command of something
- 她那講話的神態使人聯想起她的母親。There is a reminiscence of her mother in the way she talks.
- 應付自如rise to the occasion
- 炮筒旋轉自如。The gun traverses smoothly.
- 他演講的神態還顯出有點缺乏自信。His public speaking manner is still not very assured.
- 活動自如move about freely
- 他以超然的神態回答。He answered with an air of detachment.
- 操縱自如have an easy control in the matter
- 以武斷的神態in a pontificating manner
- 他輕鬆自如地走到海倫身邊坐下。He waltzed across to Helen and sat down beside her.
- 他神態安祥。There is a tranquility about him.
- 緊身衣使她不能活動自如。Her tight dress inhibited her movements.
- 他面帶懇求的神態跪在皇帝面前。He knelt in front of the emperor with a look of entreaty.
- 他帶著得意的神態說著話。He spoke with an air of exultation.
- 威廉斯小姐能夠很自如地用法語看書和寫東西。Miss Williams can read and write French very well.
- 神態悠閑look perfectly relaxed
- 輕鬆自如free and relaxed
- 表現出惹人愛憐的倦態做出渴望的或疲倦的神態,尤其是為了贏得同情To affect a wistful or languid air, especially in order to gain sympathy.