- 砧骨發育不良的CT檢查Hypoplasia of incus: multiplane reformatted technique and CT findings
- 發育不良的花蕾/四肢undeveloped buds/limbs
- 跟骨骨折的CT檢查及其價值Evaluation of CT in Calcaneal Fracture
- 園林工人掐掉植物上發育不良的芽。The gardener pinched out the weak shoot on a plant.
- 拼寫檢查spelling
- 不良的ill
- 增強CT檢查結果陰性的11人,數天後證實為基底節或大腦皮層腦梗塞。In the remaining 11 patients, in whom noncontrast CT was negative for thrombi, were found to have infarcts in the basal ganglia or cortex several days later.
- 髖關節發育不良的髖臼重建Acetabular reconstruction of total hip replacement in the treatment of dysplastic hip
- 腎前筋膜增厚的CT表現對鑒別診斷胰腺炎與胰腺癌的價值The value of prerenal fascial thickening in CT for differential diagnosis of pancreatitis and pancreatic carcinoma
- 植物的病毒性疾病,在葉子上形成輕度黑區,通常使葉子變得枯萎和發育不良a virus disease of plants,resulting in light and dark areas in the leaves,which often become shriveled and dwarfed
- 肺炎性結節的CT檢查技術及診斷Pulmonary Inflammatory Nodule: CT Scanning Technique and Diagnosis
- 在不好的路上猛開車很快就會對汽車的懸架系統造成不良的影響。Hard driving over had roads will soon tell upon the suspension of the car.
- 他發育不良,身材長得矮小。He had a small stunted body.
- 肺內孤立病灶的CT檢查方法與診斷的研究Solitary pulonary Nodules:CT Assesment and Diagnosis
- 嗅覺缺失—類無睾綜合征,嗅覺缺失-性腺機能減退綜合征,嗅生殖器發育不良綜合征Kallmann's syndrome
- 目的 探討空洞型肺轉移瘤的CT表現及其與原發灶病理類型的關係。Objective To study CT features of cavitary pulmonary metastases (CPMs), and to investigate the possible relationship between CPMs and the pathology of the primary lesions.
- 枯萎枯萎,萎縮或發育不良To wither or shrivel or mature imperfectly.
- 腿發育不良cacocnemia
- 方法 腦血管造影23例,CT檢查23例,MRI檢查12例,MRA檢查6例。Methods 23 cases underwent CCA and 23 cases CT examination, 12 cases were examined by MRI and 6 cases by MRA.
- 目的 :分析腦脂肪栓塞 (CFE)的CT和MRI表現 ,以提高對此病的早期診斷。Objective:To improve the early diagnosis of cerebral fat embolism (CFE) by analyzing the CT and MRI findings in CFE.