- 短QT間期綜合征A review of short QT syndrome
- 長QT間期綜合征long QT syndrome
- 繼發性短QT間期小兒患者二例Two cases report on secondary short QT interval in pediatric patients
- 短P-R間期綜合征的原因探討Exploration of the cause of short P-R interval syndrome
- 短QT間期Short QT interval
- 短QT綜合征的研究近況Recent Study of Short QT Syndrome
- 特發性長QT間期綜合征患兒心電圖QT間期離散度分析Analysis of EKG QT dispersion in pediatric patients with idiopathic long QT syndrome
- 短QT綜合征的遺傳學及其相關研究進展Genetics and Clinic Progress in Short QT Syndrome
- 長QT間期綜合征患兒心電圖QT離散度明顯延長。QT dispersions in the pediatric patients with idiopathic long QT Syndrome are increased significantly, and no decreased after beta-blockade treatment.
- 短QT間期發生室性心律失常的電生理機制探討Study of electrophysiological mechanism of ventricular arrhythmias in the short QT duration models
- 被動間期passive interval
- H間期H interval
- VV間期VV delay
- PJ間期accessory pathway
- A-V間期A-V Interval; time from beginning of atrial systole to beginning of ventricular systole
- F-R間期F-R interval
- H-Q間期H-Q interval
- H-V間期H-V interval
- P-A間期P wave to A wave in His bundle electrogram; P-A Interval
- P-H間期P-H interval