- 知恩不報恩,枉為世上人。As soon as you have drunk, you turn your back upon the spring.
- 除了知恩不報之外,最痛苦並難以承受的一件事就是報恩。Next to ingratitude, the most painful thing to bear is gratitude.
- 除了知恩不報之外,最痛苦並難以承受的一件事就是報恩.Next to ingratitude, the most painful thing to bear is gratitude.
- 知恩圖報remember the gratitude and try to repay it
- 快報flash report
- 報應retribution
- 「知恩/報恩」gratitude/return
- 因果不可昧:善有善報,惡有惡報;不是不報,時辰未到。We cannot oppose the law of causality; good and evil will have their karmic retribution when their time comes.
- 報文message
- 不要告訴經理是怎麼把工作搞砸了的,不然他會大發雷霆的!Don't tell the director how you ruined the job, or he'll go through the roof.
- 他有錢有勢,可儘管如此卻並不快樂。He has great power and wealth, but is still unhappy for all that.
- 報關員declarant
- 報業newspapering
- "可是對你來說這是一樁大事啊。" "什麼大事不大事的!我擔心什麼?""But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- "我不想打擾你了,你繼續工作吧。"I don't want to interfere with you; proceed with your work.
- 報檢apply for quarantine inspection
- 我相信這一要求不會給您帶來不便。I trust this request will not cause you inconvenience.
- 報時give the correct time
- 那時他們連普通衣服都不能生產,更不要說高級的了。At that time they could not produce ordinary garments, not to speak of high-grade ones.
- 報盤offer