- 啊,愛情,讓我們真誠相待。Ah, love, let us be true to one another.
- 我所要求的只是在這工作中的真誠相待。All I'm asking for is a fair shake at this job.
- 人與人之間,只有真誠相待,才是真正的朋友。誰要是算計朋友,等於自己欺騙自己。Be sincere to each other can make true friends. He who cheats his friends does nothing but cheats himself.
- 真誠(adj) sincere
- 真誠的pure-hearted
- 他鄙視尊卑貴賤、等級森嚴的封建關係,渴望真誠相待的平等關係。He despised paying poor, the feudal hierarchical relationship of equality between a sincere desire.
- 真誠地frankly
- 用心:真誠相待,平等互助的基礎上,公司用心呵護員工,用心服務客戶,用心協助夥伴Canny: Be base on empressement, equality and mutual assistance, the company does his best to take care of employees, service clients and assist companions
- 以禮相待treat people with due respect
- 任何一個值得一住的社區中都一定有很多對工作,對他人真誠相待的人,否則,我個社區就會崩潰。Any community worth living in must have a web of people faithful to good work and to one another,or that community would fall apart.
- 不真誠insincerity
- 娶,嫁以夫妻相待To take as a spouse.
- 優禮相待To treat with unusual rite
- 我真誠地希望他能接受別人的批評。I sincerely hope that he can accept the criticism of others.
- 我們只好對她以禮相待。We have to do the civil to her.
- 我必須為我關於貴公司所說的話向您表示最真誠的歉意。I must offer you my sincerest apology for what I have said about your company.
- 首相待召進宮.The Prime Minister is waiting for a call to the Palace.
- 所有的客人都看出來她那過分熱情的歡迎是不真誠的。Every visitor noticed that her effusive welcome was not sincere.
- 首相待召進宮。The Prime Minister is waiting for a call to the Palace.
- 真誠待人treat people sincerely