



  1. 真正的友誼比金錢更寶貴。
    Real friendship is more valuable than money.
  2. 我父親是一個真正的保守主義者,他至今還認為婦女應該呆在家裡。
    My father is a real conservative; he still thinks a woman's place is in the house.
  3. 這其中含有真正的危險。
    Herein lies the real danger.
  4. 真正的權力屬於人民。
    The real power resides in the people.
  5. 這次比賽中真正的英雄是我們的守門員。
    The real hero of the match was our goalkeeper.
  6. 旅遊業已經成為真正的產業。
    The tourist trade has become a real industry.
  7. 真正的朋友不會在患難時棄你而去。
    A genuine friend will not desert you in time of adversity.
  8. 這件玉龍是真正的古玩。
    This jade dragon is a genuine antique.
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