- 久(long) time
- 積old
- 很久a month of Sundays
- 致富(v) become rich
- 省吃儉用pinch and screw
- 很久以前langsyne
- 資本公積contributed surplus
- 卷積convolution
- 公積surplus
- 我們得省吃儉用來付帳.We had to scrimp and save to pay the bills.
- 她被致富的慾望所支配。She was possessed by the desire to be rich.
- 久的livelong
- 積少成多many a little makes a mickle
- 日久with the passing of time; in course of time
- 發財致富enrichment
- 他們不得不省吃儉用以便送兒子進大學。They had to skimp to send their sons to college.
- 很久以後long after
- 積液pyema
- 我們正省吃儉用,以免入不敷出。We're cutting and contriving to make both ends meet.
- 久等kick one's heels