- 願sincere
- 盼to hope for
- 不願reluctance
- 願景vision
- 願您早日康復!May you recover soon!
- 願上帝保佑你!Bless you!
- 盼著look forward to
- 她盼雨的祈求終於實現了Her prayer for rain was granted at last.
- 那一笑終於盼來了!There comes that smile!
- 他們不願多觸及性別歧視的問題。They prefer to skate around the issue of sex discrimination.
- 但這只是我們單方面的意見,盼貴公司能做更進一步的調查。However, this is our personal opinion and we wish you to make further inquiries on your part.
- 他自願做這苦差使。He volunteered for the hard and unprofitable job.
- 盼速復。We are looking forward to your reply by return.
- 給你特別的祝福,願聖誕和新年帶給你無邊的幸福、如意!A cheery Christmas and the New Year hold lots of happiness for you!
- 欣盼你方進一步的消息。We anticipate the pleasure of hearing further from you.
- 那小女孩不願離開她的母親。The little girl was loath to leave her mother.
- 並且你還一直盼著能拿到獎學金。And you were looking forward to winning the scholarship.
- 她表示不願與我們合作。She showed reluctance to cooperate with us.
- 盼復並報價。We are looking forward to your comments and quotation.
- 誰也不願與好嘮叨的人一起共事。Nobody likes to work with a nag.