- 盤算calculate
- 我計算中有沒有出差錯?Did I make any error in my calculation?
- 這位簿記員長於計算。The book keeper figured well.
- 他心裡在盤算,想找一個什麼說得過去的理由來解釋他為什麼沒有到會。He cast about in his mind for some plausible excuse for not turning up at the meeting.
- 我們得計算一下生產成本。We have to sum up the costs of production.
- 他盤算著旅遊費用。He calculated the cost of the journey.
- 他的計算能力很差。His mathematics are weak.
- 在腦子裡盤算某事to shuffle something in one's head
- 你應當把燃料費計算在內。You should reckon in the cost of fuel.
- 盤算報仇to brood revenge
- 他計算失誤。He slipped up in his calculations.
- 他腦子裡反覆盤算著那個新企業。He had an idea revolving in his mind around the new enterprise.
- 精確計算的距離a nicely calculated distance
- 接著盤算如何隨大流賺更多的錢。And then figure out how to be more mainstream to make even more money.
- 湍流數值計算numerical computation of turbulent flow
- 盤算好premeditate everything
- 不精確的計算會使圖像模糊。Imprecise calculations show up as fuzz in the picture.
- 他們停了好一陣沒有做聲,各人都在心裡盤算著這樁事件。There was a considerable pause, while the boys canvassed this matter inwardly.
- 計算汽缸的容積。compute the volume of a cylinder
- 他做計算準確。He is accurate at figures.