- 意思meaning
- 利他的意思就是你做了一點事,絕對沒有期望任何個人的回報。The understanding of being altruistic means that you do something with absolutely no intention of any personal return.
- 不,請多剪些。我想把上上下下都剪得短短的。你明白我的意思嗎?No, You can cut quite a bit off. I like it to be very short all over. Do you see what I mean?
- 她用了很長時間才明白了我的意思。It was a long time before she tumbled to what I meant.
- 你能從它的上下文說出這個詞的意思嗎?Can you tell the meaning of this word from its context?
- 你能不能就此再多講一點,我的意思是,假如這不是一種商業秘密的話。Could you tell me a bit more about it? That is,if it's not a business secret.
- 同上:排字所用的符號,例如「-同上-或」。表示「重複上文」的意思。Ditto: Typographic symbol for "repeat the above matter".Set" as-do-or".
- 哦,不用擔心的,我的意思,你大概有些累了。每個人都會遇到這樣的情況。Oh, don't worry about it I mean you probably were tired, you had a lot of champagne, it happens to everybody.
- 未婚女子一生中最困難的工作,是要證明一個男性(對她)的意思是認真的。The hardest task of a girl's life is to prove to a man that his intention is serious.
- 老師略停片刻,直到找得了可更清楚地表達他的意思的合適的詞才又講起來。My teacher broke off for a few seconds til he found proper words to make his idea clearer.
- 對不起,打斷一下,請再把剛才那句話的意思講一下好嗎?May I interrupt you to comment on that last remark?
- 我們的意思只不過是說,這是地球上物質的通常狀態而已。We mean nothing more than that. This is the usual condition of things on our earth.
- 伍德夫人給大衛解釋了「產品評估」這術語的意思,還有其他一些會議上可能會用到的詞語。Mrs. Wood explains the term product evaluation and some other expressions likely to be used at the forthcoming meeting.
- 他開始成立他自己的公司--阿巴斯圖(西班牙語"布希"的意思)。He started building his own company,Arbusto (Spanish for Bush).
- 短的英語單詞(通常有四個字母)被認為是淫穢或另人討厭的意思。any of several short English words (often having 4 letters) generally regarded as obscene or offensive.
- 那位老師停止講話,以便留出時間(讓學生們)理解他所講的意思。The teacher stopped speaking to allow time for the meaning of his words to seep through.
- 星期一是每周的第二天,字面上的意思是「月亮之日」。Monday,the second day of the week,means literally the day of the moon.
- 為舉例說明我的意思,讓我們看看我們每年的原油進口。To exemplify what I mean, let us look at our annual import of crude oil.
- 很明顯,這句話的意思是「為了增加家庭收入,夫妻雙雙都去工作」。Both husband and wife go to work inorder to augment the family income.
- 他們似乎沒有畏縮的意思。他同他的大小姐共坐一輛馬車終於按時出發了。He seemed to have no idea of shrinking from it, and set forward at last most punctually with his eldest daughter in his own carriage.