- 白光LED驅動white LED driver
- 白光LED三基色熒光粉的研究Research on tri-color phosphors for white LED
- LED驅動LED drive
- LED驅動晶元LED driver chip
- LED驅動電路the circuit of LED drives
- 二價銪激活的氯硅酸鎂鈣(Ca8Mg(SiO4)4Cl2)(簡稱CMSC)綠色熒光粉是一種高效率的白光LED用綠色熒光粉。Calcium magnesium chlorosilicate(Ca8Mg(SiO4)4Cl2) phosphor activated by divalent europium ions (Eu2+), known as CMSC, can be used as a high efficient green phosphor for white light emitting diode (w-LED).
- 驅動to drive
- 白光LED光源white LED light source
- 升壓型LED驅動控制器Boost LED driver controller
- 白光LED熒光粉層塗敷的研究Research on the White Light LED Fluorescein Spreading
- 驅動程序drivers
- 高亮度GaN基藍光與白光LED的研究和進展Research and development of high brightness GaN-based blue LED and white LED
- 最後使用阿列紐斯關係計算出所用白光LED的壽命為2.3萬小時。Finally,by using the Arrhenius relationship,the lifetime of the white LEDs used in our experiments was calculated as 23 000 h.
- 白光有機電致發光器件white OLED
- A8435高效充電泵IC可為攜帶型電子顯示應用提供簡單且低成本的白光LED驅動器解決方案。The A8435 high efficiency charge pump IC offer a simple, low-cost white LED driver solution for portable electronics display applications.
- 它象雲或象雪那樣反射出白光。It reflects light whitely like clouds or snow.
- 白光LED不僅為製造商提供了完美的背光方案,而且為普通照明提供了經濟,優質的光源。White LED provides the perfect back-litht and economic illumination source to consumers.
- 驅動裝置drive set
- 白光由不同波長或不同顏色的光波組成。White light consists of light waves of all different wavelengths, or colors.
- 白光可以用稜鏡分解成具有各種波長的整個光譜。White light can be split by a prism into a whole spectrum of wavelengths.