- 畏敵如虎fear the enemy as if he were a tiger
- 虎tiger
- 妻wife
- 兇猛如虎as fierce as a tiger
- 如虎負隅like a tiger at bay
- 正如be just like
- 妻的wifely
- 娶妻wive
- 如有if any
- 人言可畏gossip is a fearful thing
- 一夫多妻polygyny
- 如是so
- 嬌妻beloved wife
- 如花flowery
- 卧虎藏龍undiscovered talents
- 之妻Hecuba
- 如上ibidem
- 虎是一種普通的貓科動物。The tiger is a common representative of the cat family.
- 一夫一妻制monogamy
- 如來Buddha