



  • - (相交的地方; 劃分的界限) boundary:

    the boundary of a country; national boundary; 國界

    The boundary between Shanxi and Shaanxi is the Huanghe River. 山西和陝西以黃河為界。

    - (一定的範圍) scope; extent:

    external world; 外界

    field of vision 眼界

    - (按職業、工作或性別等分成的範圍) circles; world:

    all sections of the people; people of all walks of life; 各界人士

    world [circles] of literature and art; 文藝界

    - (大自然中動物、植物、礦物等的最大的類別)primary division; kingdom:

    the animal [vegetable, mineral] kingdom 動[植,礦] 物界

    - {地質}(地層系統分類的最高一級,相當於地質年代中的代) group:

    the Paleozoic group 古生界

    - {數} bound:

    upper [lower] bound 上[下]界



  1. 那條小路就是我們這片地的界線。
    The lane is the boundary of our land.
  2. 那球被正站在邊界線內的守場員接住了。
    The ball was caught by a fielder standing just inside the boundary.
  3. 她的第一本書在文學界大為轟動。
    She has made quite a splash in literary circles with her first book.
  4. 她有財富便於她在社會各界造成巨大影響。
    Her wealth gives her enormous leverage in social circles.
  5. 英聯邦在第一次世界大戰前曾是一個強大的帝國。
    The United Kingdom was a mighty empire before World War I.
  6. 國與國之間的邊界未明確劃定時,通常會發生糾紛。
    When boundaries between countries are not clearly defined, there is usually trouble.
  7. 政界里有許多流言蜚語。
    There has been much gossip in political circles.


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