- 撒尿urination
- 男孩們從樓梯扶手滑下以取樂。The boys amused themselves by sliding down the banister.
- 男孩看到背上有嶄新鞍子的小馬。The boy saw a pony with a brand-new saddle over its back.
- 這男孩結結巴巴地背誦。The boy stumbled through his recitation.
- 男孩向他父親求饒。The boy sued his father for mercy.
- 那男孩在用吸管吸牛奶。The boy was drinking milk through a straw.
- 這男孩嚷得嗓子都啞了。The boy raved himself hoarse.
- 男孩擦去地板上的污物。The boy scoured off the dirt from the floor.
- 這些男孩向那隻可憐的貓扔石頭。The boys slung stones at the miserable cat.
- 男孩將一匹玩具馬拖在身後。The boy trailed a toy horse after him.
- 男孩把幾塊石頭丟進池裡去。The boy threw some stones into the pond.
- 男孩吹口哨把狗喚回。The boy whistled his dog back.
- 那個粗魯的男孩挨了一個耳光。The rude boy got a slap in the face.
- 那男孩在抽陀螺。The boy was spinning a top.
- 這男孩赤著膊。The boy stripped to the waist.
- 這男孩在家庭教師指導下學算術。The boy is tutoring in arithmetic.
- 男孩大吃放在他面前的色拉。The boy tucked into the salad put in front of him.
- 男孩高興得格格地笑。The boy cackled with delight.
- 那男孩只吃一點點。The boy is only picking at his food.
- 男孩拉一拉褲子。The boy gave his pants a hitch.