- 他寫有關電磁的博士論文。He wrote his doctoral thesis on electromagnetism.
- 麥克斯韋(電磁)場方程(式)Maxwell field equations
- 電磁閥, 電磁活門solenoid value
- 為了做成電磁體你需要對金屬線送電。To make an electromagnet you need to send a current through the wire.
- 核電磁脈衝模擬nuclear electromagnetic pulse simulation
- 電磁異常electromagnetic anomaly
- 電磁測深方法研究A study of the EM method to explore strata
- 電磁開關.a solenoid switch
- 電磁濃縮electromagnetic enrichment
- 電磁夾片electromagnetic shim
- 電磁四通閥solenoid operated 4-way valve
- 煤氣電磁閥solenoid valve for gas
- 蒸氣電磁閥solenoid valve for steam
- 水用電磁閥solenoid valve for water
- 電磁聚焦的electromagnetically focused
- 電磁腳electromagnet toe
- 電磁錘electromagnetic hammer
- 電磁安/厘米abampere per square centimeter (aA/cm 2)
- 定電磁閥cruise vacuums solenoid
- 押腳電磁閥Foot-Lift Solenoid