- 山西省發展電石法PVC前景樂觀Good Prospect of PVC by Calcium Carbide Way in Shanxi
- 電石法生產PVC樹脂環保技術進展與應用總結Summary on the progress and application of environmental protection technology for the production of PVC resin by calcium carbide method
- 電石法PVCPVC by calcium carbide process
- 電石法氯乙烯vinyl chloride produced by calcium carbide process
- 本體法PVCPVC produced by bulk polymerization
- 電石法聚氯乙烯polyvinyl chloride produced by carbide process
- 懸浮法PVCPVC produced by suspension method
- 除法division
- 電石法氯乙烯精餾尾氣回收工藝技術進展Technological development of tail gas recovery from carbide based VCM rectification
- 化學刻蝕法PVC/CaCO3chemical etching method
- 賓夕法尼亞Pennsylvania
- 電石法聚氯乙烯污染的治理-電石渣處理的探討Pollution treatment in the production of PVC by calcium carbide process-research on the treatment of carbide slag
- 表示法notation
- 比色法colorimetry
- 層次分析法analytic hierarchy process (AHP)
- 測定法mensuration
- 加強電石生產乙炔環保化促進PVC行業可持續發展Strengthen environment protection of acetylene by calcium carbide method and promote sustainable development of PVC industry
- 企業法law of enterprise
- 知識產權法law of knowledge property
- 賓夕法尼亞大學University of Pennsylvania