- 模特兒model
- 電傳telex
- 玩意兒(n) thing (used in speech)
- 媳婦兒wife
- 留聲機正在開著?Is the phonograph playing?
- 兒科學paediatrics
- 電傳郵箱telemailbox
- 留聲機的唱針突然跳離了唱片The phonograph needle jumped.
- 美人兒cutie
- 人們把留聲機的發明歸功於愛迪生。Edison is credited with the invention of the phonograph.
- 打電傳叫他來。Telex him to come.
- 留聲機正開著嗎?Is the phonograph playing?
- 兒茶酚胺catecholamine (CA)
- 今天上午收到了幾份電傳。Several telexes arrived this morning.
- 愛迪生髮明了留聲機。Edison had invented the phonograph.
- 流浪兒street arab
- 剛收到一份香港打來的電傳。A telex has just arrived from Hong Kong.
- 兒茶cutch
- 他已放開了留聲機。He had played the phonograph
- 養兒防老(of parents) to bring up children for the purpose of being looked after in old age