



  • - (天乾的第一位) the first of the ten Heavenly Stems
    - (爬行動物和節肢動物身上的硬殼) shell; carapace:

    tortoise shell 龜甲

    - (手指和腳趾上的角質硬殼) nail:

    fingernail 手指甲

    - (蓋或圍在人體或物體外面起保護作用的裝備) armour:

    throw away one's helmet and coat of mail -- flee pellmell; 丟盔卸甲

    armoured car 裝甲車

    - (舊時的一種戶口編製)a unit of civil administration
    - (用作代稱) a substitute word for an indefinite person or thing:

    team A and team B; 甲隊和乙隊

    the first party and the second party; 甲方和乙方

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Jia Liang 甲良

  • - (第一) first:

    first rate; Class A 甲級

  • - (居第一位) occupy first place; be better than:

    The mountains and waters of Guilin are the finest under heaven. 桂林山水甲天下。



  1. 我得說我對他真是敬佩--我從未想到他能參加甲隊。
    I must say I take my hat off to him I neverthought he would get into the first team.
  2. 滿90分的學生評為甲等。
    Pupils with 90%25 or more are awarded Grade A.
  3. 凡得90分的學生列為甲等。
    A student who gets 90%25 is graded A.
  4. 一股巨浪從甲板上卷了過去。
    A huge wave swept over the deck.
  5. 他在那間男服店買了一件甲克
    He bought a jacket at the gentleman's outfitters.
  6. 這次踢贏之後,曼徹斯特聯隊升入了甲級。
    After this win, Manchester United was promoted to the First Division.
  7. 那水手忽然看到一名海盜跳上了甲板。
    The sailor suddenly saw a pirate jumping onto the deck.
  8. 我經常穿著一件馬甲。
    I always wear a waistcoat.


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