- 用BGP實現基於MPLS的VPNA Solution of MPLS-Based VPN VIA BGP
- 究基於MPLS的VPN兩種實現方式BGP/MPLS和VR的研The Study on VR and BGP/MPLS Implementing VPN Based on MPLS
- 基於MPLS的VPN在電力通信網中的應用The Application of Vpn Based on Mpls Technologyin Electri cal Communication Network
- 常用in common usage
- 實現to achieve
- 改進BGP實現大型複雜IP網路的負載均衡Load Sharing Implementation in Large Complicated IP Networks by Improving BGP
- 基於MPLS的分散式網路入侵檢測方法A Distributive Network Intrusion Detection Based on MPLS
- "... 我要用利劍一樣的話刺痛她的心,但決不是真用利劍 ... ""... I will speak daggers to her, but use none ... " (Shakespeare, Hamlet)
- 用藥use medicine
- 基於MPLS的無線網路中雙向虛電路的建立A Scheme for the Establishment of Bidirectional MPLS Virtual Circuit in Wireless Network
- 隨後討論了實現基於酉變換的ESB演算法中的幾個關鍵問題。The key problems about how to implement a modified ESB algorithm via a unitary transformation are discussed.
- 結合政府網路的VPN系統模型的應用問題來說明模型的可行性。Work over the application of the prototype in allusion to VPN system of government network to illuminate prototype』s feasibility.
- 所用used
- "Harmsworth先生," 我用微弱的聲音說。 "別打斷我的說。" 他說。"Mr Harmsworth, " I said in a weak voice, "Don't interrupt, " he said.
- 區分服務與MPLS的區別The Difference between DiffServ and MPLS
- 在SIP用戶代理之間建立多媒體會話的實現基於開源的SIP協議棧。Implementation of creating multimedia sessions between SIP UAs is based onOpen Source SIP protocol stacks.
- MPLS的流量管理允許管理跨幾個網路的數據流,因而可以提供新的服務。MPLS traffic engineering allows manipulation of data flow across networks, so that new services can be offered.
- 在基於MPLS的ATM交換機上的RIO分組丟棄演算法性能研究Performance of random early detection with in and out packet discard scheme in MPLS-based ATM switches
- ADSI實現基於LDAP的認證Implements Authentication Based on LDAP with ADSI
- 用Microsoft VC++6.0的套接字實現一個VPNFulfillment of a VPN with Microsoft Visual C++6.0 Socket