- 你的伯母是一個理路不清的老虔婆。Your aunt is a saint, and hasn't two ideas to knock against each other.
- 你說話的理路不清,儘管是真知灼見,卻不能為人理解。You speak with muzzy consecution. Though they are penetrating judgment, they can't be understood.
- 不清unclear
- 分不清confound with
- 看不清invisibility
- 數不清的unnumbered
- 數不清countless
- 神志不清dottiness
- "如果你繼續這樣急促不清地說下去,誰也聽不懂了。"Nobody can understand you if you keep jabbering away like that.
- 聽不清deafness
- "大多數人一上了年紀,不戴眼鏡就看不清細小的印刷字體。"Most people can't read small print without glasses when they get on in years.
- 含糊不清ambiguous; vague
- 口齒不清inarticulacy
- 糾纏不清persistant
- 許多人受惠於他數不清的慷慨行為。Many people benefited from his countless generosities.
- 病人發燒,神志不清,必須有人監護。The patient was feverish and out of his head and had to be watched.
- 昏暗中他看不清一頭撞在一棵樹上。In the dim light he couldn't see clearly and ran bump into a tree.
- 星子任何數不清的小固體塊,被認為曾在行星形成階段中在圍繞太陽的軌道上運行Any of innumerable small bodies thought to have orbited the sun during the formation of the planets.
- 孩子三、四歲前說話往往口齒不清。Children usually lisp until they are three of four.
- 這個緊張不安的人對事故的陳述混淆不清。The nervous man gave a garbled account of the accident.