- 玻璃pH電極pH glass electrode
- pH電極的清洗方法Cleaning methods of pH electrode
- pH電極用屏蔽插座和插頭Plug socket and plug shielded for pH electrodes
- 聚合物膜與高純金屬pH電極的研製Development of Polymer Film and High Pure Metal pH Electrode
- 銥金屬氧化物pH電極的表面修飾研究Surface Modification of Iridium Oxide pH Electrode
- 電極electrode
- 他將玻璃杯子倒置。He turned the glass upside down.
- 納米氧化鉛型固體pH電極的研製及其應用Fabrication of Nanosized PbO pH Electrode and Its Application
- 他對著石塊把玻璃碗砸得粉碎。He dashed the glass bowl to bits on a rock.
- 她的傘的頂端裝有一個玻璃圓頭。Her umbrella is capped with a glass knob.
- 玻璃是一種透明物。Glass is a transparent material.
- 鉛筆芯修飾聚苯胺製作微型複合pH電極的性能Performance of a Composite Miniature pH Electrode Made of Pencil Core Modified with Polyaniline
- 玻璃有光滑的表面。Glass has a smooth surface.
- 在窗上嵌玻璃pane a window
- 電流從輸出電極流出。The current flows out of the output terminal.
- 我汽車上的擋風玻璃在夜裡結上了霜花。The windshield of my car frosted over during the night.
- 她把玻璃酒杯一個套一個放在格箱里。She nested the glass tumblers in a crate.
- 參比電極reference electrode
- 她用砂紙磨玻璃。She rubbed the glass with emery paper.
- 石墨電極graphite resistor rod