- 現代途勝珠海試駕Trial Driving of Hyundai Tucson Taken in Zhuhai
- 華德汽車貿易有限公司日前在海濱泳場舉行北京現代途勝新車上市發布會及試乘試駕活動。Huade Automobile Trading Company recently launched a new car release ceremony for Tucson of Beijing Hyundai with Trial driving provided at the Seashore Swimming Beach.
- SUV市場迎來動蕩途勝含而待發SUV market meet the turbulence, Tucson stayed for breaking
- 途勝主張以出遊和駕駛綜合的快樂!Tucson advocate a comprehensive domestic tourists and driving pleasure!
- 在現代in modern times
- 途勝的安全系統內外堅實宜備多重保障,即使馳騁於自然,陶冶於艱險,也不必有多餘顧慮,讓內心隨速度奔騰吧!Tucson a solid security system to prepare multiple internal and external security, even gallop on natural and mold on the difficulty and danger, and not have the extra worry about, let their hearts with the speed of the Pentium!
- 現代服務業modern service industry
- 完勝defeat
- 半途midway
- 他用現代英語譯述這首詩。He paraphrased the poem in modern English.
- 這些老人不習慣現代生活的緊張壓力。These old people are unaccustomed to the pressure of modern life.
- [諺]健康勝於財富。Good health is above wealth.
- 他們還得學習現代管理技術。They need to learn modern management techniques.
- 遠勝於outclass
- 現代生活modern life
- 半途的halfway
- 足球隊大獲全勝。The football team achieved a complete triumph.
- 這是一本關於現代英語慣用法的書。This is a book on modern English usage.
- 半途終止abort
- 吠犬勝於睡獅。A barking dog is better than a sleeping lion.