- 特種CCDspecial CCD
- 特種special type
- 特種設備special equipment
- CCDcharge coupled device (CCD)
- 特種作業job that requires special skills
- 雙CCDDouble CCD
- 特種紙speciality paper
- CCD法the way of CCD
- 特種鋼special steel
- 體全息存儲系統中通常採用SLM和ccd作為輸入輸出器件。Spatial Light Modulator (SLM) and CCD detector are generally used as input and output devices in volume holographic data storage system.
- CCD相機CCD camera
- 特種車special purpose vehicle
- CCD圖像CCD image
- 特種陶瓷special ceramics
- 面陣CCDarea CCD
- 特種戰爭special warfare
- CCD成像CCD imaging
- 特種教育家Special Needs Educator
- 特種動物毛specialty hair fibre