- 特別是J2EE和.Especially in J2EE and .
- J2EE和CORBA集成主要包括兩種方式,一種是J2EE組件訪問CORBA對象的服務,一種是CORBA客戶端調用EJB組件提供的服務。Integration of J2EE and CORBA includes two forms, one is that J2EE device visits CORBA object; the other is that CORBA as the client end transferring the service offered by the EJB devices.
- 要人們警惕右和 "左" 的影響,特別是 "左" 的根深蒂固的影響warn people of the influence of both the Right and the "Left" deviations, particularly of the deep-rooted "Left" influence
- 牛肉或豬肉的前半部分的肋骨架,特別是小羊羔和綿羊。rib section of a forequarter of veal or pork or especially lamb or mutton.
- 寄生在脊椎動物體內的蠕蟲,特別是蛔蟲、絛蟲和吸蟲。worm that is parasitic on the intestines of vertebrates especially roundworms and tapeworms and flukes.
- 象線一樣的小蠕蟲,大批滋生在人類特別是孩子的腸子和直腸中。small threadlike worm infesting human intestines and rectum esp. in children.
- 包含部分脊椎骨和兩側腰的肉塊(特別是綿羊和小羊羔)。cut of meat (especially mutton or lamb) consisting of part of the backbone and both loins.
- 特別是那些死難者和俘虜的家屬,個個淚流滿面,泣不成聲。The families of those deaths and captives,in particular,were seen with tears running down their faces and choking with sob.
- 煅制金屬的人(特別是當金屬熾熱和有延展性的時候錘擊它。someone who works metal (especially by hammering it when it is hot and malleable).
- 放鬆肌肉,特別是頸部和四肢不要緊張。Relx your muscles,especially,do not is tense in the neck and limbs.
- 一個無黨派的統冶者或者首領(特別是在非洲和阿拉伯半島)。an independent ruler or chieftain (especially in Africa or Arabia).
- (牙科)牙齒上沒有人造的牙冠;特別是用來指臼牙和二尖齒。(dentistry) not having an artificial crown on a tooth; used especially of molars and bicuspids.
- 提供關於已知問題,特別是滑鼠和鍵盤問題的解決辦法的信息。Provide information about know problem and workarounds specifically for mouse and keyboard problem.
- (特別是在機械裝置中)一個從事查找和確定故障根源的工人。a worker whose job is to locate and fix sources of trouble (especially in mechanical devices).
- (病理學)以進行性的和控制不住的生長為特點(特別是指腫瘤)。(pathology) characterized by progressive and uncontrolled growth (especially of a tumor).
- 一個專註於愛和調情特別是寫愛情小說的人one dedicated to love and lovemaking especially one who writes about love
- 裝卸的費用(特別是包裝費和定單郵寄費)the cost of handling (especially the cost of packaging and mailing an order)
- 特別是因為形狀和比例與想法一致而在外表上令人愉悅。pleasing in appearance especially by reason of conformity to ideals of form and proportion.
- 特別是電視機和電腦的電流經常上百次使心輪倒轉。The electricity of television and computers in particular invert the heart chakra sometimes hundreds of times.
- 奉行於加勒比海國家(特別是海地)的一種利用巫術和神牲的宗教信仰。a religious cult practiced chiefly in Caribbean countries (especially Haiti); involves witchcraft and animistic deities.