



  • - (東西) thing; matter; object:

    animal; 動物

    goods; commodity; merchandise; 貨物

    - (指自己以外的人或與己相對的環境) other people; the outside or material world versus oneself:

    the way one gets along with people; 待人接物

    let the mind soar free from the material world 游心物外

    - (內容; 實質) content; substance; essence:

    speak or write with substance; 言之有物

    totally void of substance; devoid of content 空洞無物



  1. 這座建築物結構很堅固。
    The building is structurally sound.
  2. 這台顯微鏡將物體放大了100倍。
    The microscope magnified the object 100 times.
  3. 立方體是三維物體。
    A cube is a three-dimensional object.
  4. 桌子上擺著各種各樣的物體。
    Various objects were on the table.
  5. 角距離,是由一定點到兩物體之間所量度的夾角。
    Angular distance is the distance between two objects measured as an angle from a given point.
  6. 鉀是所有生物生存必須的。
    Potassium is necessary to the existence of all living things.
  7. 我們盡可談論美的事物,然而美本身卻是抽象的。
    We may talk of beautiful things, but beauty itself is abstract.
  8. 他只對物而不對人感興趣。
    He is only interested in things and not people.
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