- 波長相關的X-Y記錄器recorder linked with wave-length, X-Y
- X-Y型天線座X-Y type antenna pedestal
- 一種叫地震儀的儀器把這種反射來的振動波轉送到記錄器上。Instruments called seismometers relay these reflected vibrations to a recording instrument.
- 以無窮數乘y.Multiply y by infinity.
- 有兩個或多個聲道的記錄器;同時可以連續記錄兩個或更多信號。a recorder with two or more channels; makes continuous records of two or more signals simultaneously.
- 假定x=yLet x be y.
- 電氣脈博曲線記錄器electric kymograph
- 使y等於此函數。Place y equal to the function.
- 記錄器的邏輯以託管代碼編寫,並在MSBuild命令行中使用The logic of a logger is written in managed code and specified at the MSBuild command line using the
- 用y 除Xto divide X by Y
- 如果程序集中恰好只有一個記錄器,則不必指定記錄器類。You do not need to specify the logger class if there is exactly one logger in the assembly.
- Y器Y-organ
- x=y意思是x與y相等。means that x equals y.
- Y)Eosin Y
- y相關y correlation
- y』相y' phase
- Y輻射V -radiation
- Y含量Y addition
- Y係數Y coefficient
- Y迷宮Y maze