- 點對多點ISDN連接point-to-multipoint ISDN connection
- 一種新的用於ATM網中ABR點對多點連接的反饋合併演算法A new feedback consolidation algorithm for point-to-multipoint ABR service in ATM networks
- 點對點ISDN連接point-to-point ISDN connection
- 點對多點的遠程數據傳輸系統的研究A Study of the Point-to-Points Telecommunication System
- 點對多點微波設備安裝工程驗收規範Code for acceptance of point to multipoint microwave equipment installation engineering
- 4000既能夠支持寬頻的聯網能力,也能夠提供復蓋已有的狹帶ISDN連接的聯網需求。Whilst the HiPath 4000 can support broadband networking capabilities, there are still requirements to provide networking over existing Narrowband ISDN connections.
- 點對多點群呼Point to multipoint group call PTM-G
- 點對點Point-to-Point
- 點對dot pair
- 風速對多點射流區域舒適性影響的實驗研究Experiment of the influence of outlet velocity on comfort in multi-point jet zone
- 點對多point-to-points
- 在點對點設置中,兩個(且只有兩個)光纖通道設備能直接連接。In a point-to-point setup,two -- and only two -- Fibre Channel devices are directly connected.
- 一點對多點通信point-to-multipoint communication
- 點對點連接協議point to point protocol
- 使用ISDN基本訪問的多點多媒體會議Multipoint Multimedia Conference Using ISDN BRI
- 文章提出了一種基於點對點協議(PPP)的智能抄表系統上層介面通信協議。This paper presents an upper-layer communication protocol for the intelligent meter reading system based on Point-to-Point Protocol(PPP).
- 這稱為點對點連接。This is called a point-to-point connection.
- B-ISDN寬頻UNI信令點到多點配置的實現The Realization of B-ISDN UNI Signalling-Point To Multipoint
- 探討點對點平台通信模塊的設計思路Discussion of the Design Idea of Peer-to-peer Platform Communication Module
- 點對點協議是最常見的連接類型。Point to Point Protocol is the most common connection type.