- 推動to push (for acceptance of a plan)
- 推動者propellent
- AMPA受體拮抗劑CNQX能有效促進神經再生及功能的恢復,而其激動劑AMPA則相反。AMPA receptor antagonist-CNQX can promote the neural regeneration and recovery of function, but its activator AMPA can depress the neural regeneration.
- 推動的impellent
- 她收到邀請時很激動。She thrilled at the invitation.
- 光是植物生長的促進因素。Light is a stimulus to growth in plants.
- 推動作用impetus
- 她十分激動。She was in great agitation.
- 電視廣告促進了他們的銷售。Television advertising boosted their sales.
- 激動使她的嗓音都變了。Excitement toned her voice.
- 良好的幽默感能促進友誼。Good humor is a promoter of friendship.
- 你們在旅行中有沒有什麼令人激動的事情?Were there any exciting incidents during your journey?
- 推動器driver unit
- 促進一項計劃的實施to boost a program
- 推動科學進步advance science
- 他是個容易激動的藝術家。He is a high-strung artist.
- 良好的售後服務在某種程度上促進了我們產品的銷路。In a way good service sells our products.
- 她的談話使他很激動。He was thrilled by her conversation.
- 海浪推動沙子形成了小小的沙壟。The waves had pushed the sand into little ridges.
- 輕瀉劑促進排便的食物或藥物A food or drug that stimulates evacuation of the bowels.