- 潛在GDP增長率potential GDP growth rate
- 潛在GDPPotential GDP
- 人均GDP增長率Growth rate of per capita GDP
- 實際GDP增長率real GDP growth rate
- 潛在latent
- 我國GDP增長率的估算方法The Estimating Methods of GDP Growth Rate in China
- 潛在的latent
- 增長率growth rate
- 這表明了GDP增長率的下滑。It shows the decline in the percentage of the GDP growth.
- 潛在客戶potential customers
- 投資規模對GDP增長率的動態調控The Scale of Investment: Having Dynamic Regulation and Control to the Growth Rate of GDP
- 潛在威脅potential threat
- 人均GDPGDP per capita
- 潛在危險potential hazard
- 潛在地potentially
- 複合增長率compound growth rate
- 潛在性potential
- 中國省級人口增長率和GDP增長率及其相關關係研究An Investigation on Population Growth Rate and GDP Growth Rate and Their Relation by Province in China
- 潛在市場potential market
- 人口增長率population growth rate