- 溶液pH的電位測定法potentiometric determination of pH of solution
- 溶液pH的電位測定potentiometric determination of pH of solution
- 基於混凝土孔溶液pH的最小水泥用量探討Discussion on the Minimum Content of Cement per Cubic Mater Concrete Based on pH Valume of pore Solution
- 紙、紙板和紙漿水抽提液pH的測定法Board and pulp? Determination of pH of aqueous extracts
- 測定to survey and evaluate
- 人血清中環境雌激素的柱前熒光衍生-高效液相色譜測定法Fluorescent Derivatization-High Performance Liquid Chromatography in the Determination of Environmental Estrogens in Human Serum
- 對富集時間、鉛的濃度、支持電解質、樣品溶液pH值及部分離子干擾等進行了實驗。The electrochemical response was characterized with respect to accumulation time, lead concentration, supporting electrolyte, pH value of the solution and possible interferences.
- 鬼臼毒素及其衍生物的單電子還原電位測定Determination of One-electron Reduction Potentials of Podophyllotoxin and Its Derivatives by Pulse Radiolysis
- 溶液pH值pH of solutions
- 用分光光度測定法測定柴油中戊基硝酸鹽的試驗方法(05。Test Method for Amyl Nitrate in Diesel Fuels by Spectrophotometry (05.
- 在此基礎上,又進行了溶液pH及防腐劑的選擇,並最終確定了處方和製備工藝。After selection of solvent, pH, antiseptic and administration instrument, the formulation of the dosage form was determined.
- 熱帶假絲酵母細胞內pH的測定及其與生長代謝活性的關係Measurement of Intracellular pH in Long-chain Dicarboxylic Acid-producing Yeast Candida tropicalis and Its Growth Activity
- 電位測定法potentiometry
- 用數字顯示氟離子濃度、溶液pH值、毫伏電壓及使用溫度。The concen tration of fluorine ions, pH value of solution, voltage, pH value of solution, voltage (mV) and temperature are displayed digitally.
- Keggin型有機膦鎢雜多酸的製備、結構表徵和酸量的電位滴定法測定Preparation Characterization and Acid Number Measurement by the Potentiometric Titration Method for the Keggin Type Organo-phosphorus-heteropolytungstic Acids
- 採用固體電解質電位測定技術進行了內擴散影響的考察。The technique of solid- electrolyte- potentiometry( SEP) was used to investigate the effect of internal diffusion.
- 談緩衝溶液pH值計算公式的教學Discussion on teaching of pH value calculation formula of buffer liquid
- 緩衝溶液pH校正因數的研究Study of pH Modification Factors for Buffer Solutions
- 飲用水中微量銀的微分電位溶出測定法Determination of Trace Silver in Drinking Water by Differential Potentiometric Stripping Analysis
- 溶液pH值對水稻幼苗Cd吸收的影響Effect of solution pH on Cd absorption of rice seedlings