



  1. 這些潮濕的火柴划不著。
    These damp matches won't strike.
  2. 這塊潮濕的木材有些翹棱了。
    The damp wood began to warp.
  3. 那潮濕的氣候對他不合適。
    The humid climate didn't agree with him.
  4. 這張紙濕的地方起皺褶了。
    The paper has wrinkled where it got wet.
  5. 那個東西掉在潮濕的沙子上,然後沉了下去。
    It fell onto the wet sand, then sank (in).
  6. 他在潮濕的地板上失去平衡而跌倒了。
    He lost his footing on the wet floor and fell.
  7. 潮濕的日子裡,食物很容易發霉。
    Foods are easily to be mouldy in humid days.
  8. 這些衣服還是濕的,把他們在太陽下晾乾。
    The clothes are still moist. Dry them in the sun.
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