- 霏霏falling thick and fast
- 淫雨excessive rain
- 淫雨為災Excessive rains become a calamity
- 淫雨綿綿It's raining excessively
- 江雨霏霏Light Raining on Yangtze River
- 淫雨成災Excessive rains become a clamity
- 雲霏霏。Clouds are gathering thick and fast.
- 烈風淫雨strong wind and heavy rain
- 瑞雪霏霏auspicious snow
- 春雨霏霏the fine spring rain continues
- 每值淫雨,聽著滯澀枯燥的調子,回念故鄉景色,I invariably feel homesick listening to the harsh, monotonous drip, drip, drip of the rain.
- 細雨霏霏a light rain starts falling
- 起初,康妮對於村人這種淫雨似的下個不盡的仇恨,很覺痛苦。At first Connie suffered from the steady drizzle of resentment that came from the village.
- 雨雪霏霏。It is sleeting hard.
- 霏霏地下雨spit
- 雨冰冷地霏霏下著,我們都覺得冷颼颼的。The rain spat icily down and we all felt rather chilly.
- 天開始細雨霏霏,他停住汽車,下車支起車篷。It began to rain. He stopped the car and got down to put up the hood.
- 天開始細雨霏霏,他停住汽車,下車支起車篷。It began to rain. He stopped the car and got down to put up the hood.
- 江雨霏霏江草齊六朝如夢鳥空啼無情最是台城柳。While ghosts of the Six Dynasties pass like a dream Around the Forbidden City, under weeping willows Which loom still for three miles along the misty moat.
- 深秋,冷雨霏霏,屋裡靜悄悄地。他們看了一個下午的書。They read the afternoon through, while the cold late autumn rain fell from the sky upon the quiet house.