- 眩於名利dazzled by the prospect of fame and wealth; obsessed with a desire for fame and wealth
- 於at
- 溺於名利ambitious for fame and wealth
- 淡nitrogen
- 他醉心於名利。He is infatuated with fame and gain.
- 淡的feint
- 教會的領袖們讚頌你,因為你用生命把由於他們汲汲於名利而玷污的信仰拯救出來了。The princes of the Church praise thee, because thou has redeemed the faith their worldlinesses have dragged through the mire.
- 致力於commit oneself to
- 淡黃色jasmine
- 淡藍色baby blue
- 名利fame and gain
- 傾向於be inclined to
- 相對於relative to
- 淡入fade in
- 不同於be differ from
- 淡紫色lilac
- 習慣於be conditioned to
- 變淡thin
- 來自於be from
- 淡綠色viridescence