- 海事糾紛中ADR的作用On the Role of ADR in the Maritime Dispute
- 他們(與那家公司)(在付款問題上)陷入長期的法律糾紛中.They were involved in a long legal wrangle (with the company) (over payment).
- 中國在聯合國系統的有關婦女機構中發揮了積極的作用。China has been playing an active role in UN women's organizations.
- 應繼續加強不易觀察及慢性ADR的監測。More attention should be paid to the observation of the adverse drug reaction and chronic ADR.
- 調停在糾紛中充當調停人To act as mediator in a dispute.
- 公共交通起輔助的作用。Public transportation played a subsidiary role.
- 如果他把精力更多地投入到工作中,他就會得到更好的結果。If he put more effort into his work, he'd see better results.
- 膠質瘤多葯耐葯細胞系C6/adr的建立及其耐藥性逆轉的研究Multidrug resistance glioma cell line C6/adr and the reversal of MDR
- 擔任糾紛中的調解人to play an intermediary role in the dispute
- 血管周圍脂肪組織趨化產物:在動脈硬化發病機理中的作用?Production of chemokines by perivascular adipose tissue: a role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis?
- 醫療糾紛中病歷存在瑕疵問題之研究On the Blemishes of the Case Histories in Medical Tangle
- 在悠久的歷史長河中人類逐漸脫離野蠻狀態而進入文明。Man has gradually emerged from barbarism into civilization over the long history.
- 目的研究鈣調素拮抗劑O-4-乙氧基-丁基-小檗胺(EBB)對乳腺癌多葯耐葯細胞系MCF-7/ADR的耐葯逆轉作用。Objective To investigate the reversal effect of O-(4-ethoxyl-butyl)-berbamine(EBB)on mutidrug resistance (MDR) in MCF-7/ADR cell.
- 馬丁·路德·金在以非暴力手段尋求平等的過程中樹立了許多敵人。Martin Luther King made many adversaries in his nonviolent quest for equality.
- 論國際海上貨運糾紛中經濟損失的可賠性On Recoverability of Economic Losses in Damages in Dispute over Carriage of Goods by Sea
- 守舊派的支持使他陷入與進步派的糾紛中。Vigorous backing of the conservatives got him in trouble with progressives.
- 在氣化器中的旋轉時的作用相當於節流閥的圓盤狀的閥。a valve in a carburetor that consists of a disc that turns and acts as a throttle.
- 旅遊合同糾紛中旅行社常見的幾種法律責任問題A Few Legal Responsibilities on Travel Agency often Occurred in the Conflict of Tour Contract
- 他們(與那家公司)(在付款問題上)陷入長期的法律糾紛中。They were involved in a long legal wrangle (with the company) (over payment).
- 醫療糾紛中責任程度的開放性量化性評價體系探討Opening and quantity assessment system on degree of responsibility in ease of medical tangle