- 測試階段CI變更規程CI change procedure in testing phase
- 測試measure and test
- 在市場測試階段,生產毫無問題。We have no problems with production during the test market phase.
- 變更modify
- 規程rules
- 對每個客戶,現場測試階段都暢通無阻地通過了。For each client, the on-site testing period went off without a hitch.
- 操作規程routine practice
- 變更的modificatory
- 進入到版本測試階段,以獲得客戶的最終的確認。Go into beta testing and acquire final client approval.
- 變更登記register the changes
- 但是目前仍處於測試階段,還不能下載讓我們安裝使用We're still in early beta-ish testing so unfortunately we can't let you install the system on your blog yet. Please sign up below, we're adding users all the time.
- 工藝規程engineering procedure
- 測試結果test result
- 設計變更design alteration
- 安全操作規程safety operation specification
- 軟體測試software test
- 合同變更alteration of contract
- 旅遊業當時還處在初創階段。Tourism was then still in its infant stage.
- 心理測試psychological test
- 變更通知field order