- 淺談膠印PS版的耐印力On Press Run of Offset PS Plate
- 談談PS版的耐印力Talk About the Print Run of PS Plate
- 淺談膠印油墨的現狀及發展趨勢Present Situation and Trend of Offset Printing Ink
- 怎樣提高PS版的耐印力How to Upgrade Run Length of PS-plates
- 淺談網印重氮感光版的製備Preparing of Diazo Sensitive Plate for Screen Printing
- YP-S新型高感陽圖PS版的性能特點The Property of YP-S High Photosensitive Positive PS Plate
- 淺談"管理創新"在地勘單位經營管理工作中的應用及發展Application of "Management Innovation"Theory in Operational Management of the Geological Prospecting Units
- 絲網活性染料印花與提高網版耐印率的探討Silk Screen Printing with Reactive Dye and Pressrun Improvement
- 淺談廣告英語中雙關語、杜撰詞、仿擬、明喻和暗喻的翻譯Translation of Puns, Nonce Words, Parodies, Similes and Metaphors in English Advertisements
- 基於PCI匯流排的并行多域值二值化用於寬幅面PS版的質量檢測The parallel two-value digitalization used for quality inspection of PS plate with broad surface based on PCI bus
- 淺談改善淺色地板的耐污染性能Study on Improving Stain-resistance of Light-coloured Laminate Flooring
- 報業CTP的應用價值及影響印版耐印力的因素Application Values of News CTP and Factors Related to the Plate Press Run
- 淺談普通混凝土配合比設計在實踐應用中的問題及解決方法Simply Talking about Proportioning Design of Common Concrete in Practical Application
- 根據參數生成數值柵格要素,它具有指定的範圍大小和數值,並輸入轉換流程。NumericRasterCreator Creates a feature with a raster of the specified size with a numeric value using the parameters supplied, and sends it into the workspace for processing.
- 教學語言為了容易、清楚辯論而設計的名字、標誌或商標,尤指標於單片印版或樣版的A name, symbol, or trademark designed for easy and definite recognition, especially one borne on a single printing plate or piece of type.
- 淺談民爆企業實施質量、環境和職業健康安全管理體系認證的意義Certification Significance of the QMS,EMS and OHSMS for Industrial Explosive Enterprise
- 2)研究網點磨損與網目線數對印刷質量和印版耐印力的影響,提出要保證合格的印刷質量和較高的印版耐印力需要選擇合適的網目線數。2) The dot wear and the screen ruling may influence printing quality and plate life. The accurate choice of screen may help to prolong plate life.
- 淺談瀝青混合料攪拌設備中計算機控制系統所受的干擾因素及其解決方法Discussion about Disturbing Factors in Computer Control System of Asphalt Mixing Plant and its Solvement
- 城市生活廢棄物回收體系對策研究--淺談可回收利用生活廢棄物的回收體系Countermeasure Study on Urban Domestic Waste Recycle System--Recycle System of Recycling Domestic Waste