- 淺議HFC網路的雜訊控制On Controlling the Noise of HFC
- 基於RBF網路的有源雜訊控制A Study of Active Noise Control Based on RBF Neural Networks
- 淺議民族地區縣域經濟發展的有效途徑--來鳳縣經濟發展芻議Effective ways Of Economic Development In Ethnic Minority Areas--On Economic Development In Loafing County
- 淺議中國傳統藝術理論對當代室內設計的啟示--以南齊謝赫"六法"為例Discussion on Inspiration of the Interior Design from Traditional Chinese Artistic Theory--Take Example for "Six Theories" of Xie He
- TZ系列子午加速式軸流通風機的雜訊控制及氣動雜訊特性The Noise Control and the Aerodynamic Noise Performance of the TZ Series Meridionally Accelerated Axial-flow Fans
- HFC網路結構的出現為CATV網路的雙向通信提供了實現基礎.The advent of HFC network infrastructure established the bidirectional basis of CATV network.
- 淺議計算機網路在企業控制決策中的應用A Brief Discussion on Application to Computer Network in Enterprise Management and Decision
- 文摘:分析了HFC網路上行通道雜訊的來源和分類,針對不同的雜訊提出幾種有效的抑制方法,同時結合上行通道多址接入方式和調製解調方式的選擇來抑制雜訊。Abstract: The sources and categories of noise about return-path of HFC( hybrid fiber/ coax) are analyzed, and a few effective methods of reducing noise are presented for different noise, which simultaneously the choice of modulation and multiple access technology is adopted to reduce the noise.
- 淺議煤礦抽風機電動機保護繼電器的整定計算及其改進方法Adjusting Calculation and Improvement Method of Relay Protector of Exhaust Fan Motor Used in Coal Mines
- "... 我要用利劍一樣的話刺痛她的心,但決不是真用利劍 ... ""... I will speak daggers to her, but use none ... " (Shakespeare, Hamlet)
- "Harmsworth先生," 我用微弱的聲音說。 "別打斷我的說。" 他說。"Mr Harmsworth, " I said in a weak voice, "Don't interrupt, " he said.
- 類似汽艇發動機聲的干擾雜訊motorboating
- 淺議民俗文化在城市園林建設中的作用與發展--以西安環城西苑為例Discussion on Function and Development of Folk-custom in City's Landscape Construction --Take the West Park Around the City in Xi'an as An Example
- 政府將不斷做出穩定的努力,在緊急醫療地區進一步實施新的措施以及對傳染病的控制。The government will continue to make steady efforts to further develop innovative projects in the areas of emergency medical care and infectious disease control.
- "Inthefamilyway" 是一種老式的表達方式,意為 "懷孕" 。"In the family way" is an old-fashioned expression meaning "pregnant".
- 如果荷蘭不改變這個決定,中國同荷蘭的關係肯定要倒退。If the Netherlands refuses to alter its decision,Sino-Dutch relations will definitely suffer a setback.
- 政府打算建造許多新的旅館,一個巨大的露天運動場和一個漂亮的新游泳池。The government will be building new hotels, an immense stadium, and a fine new swimming pool.
- 城市化進程中對民營經濟的引導利用--淺議紹興"綠心"項目研究的方案設計The guidance and usage of private economy in the process of becoming city -- research of Shaoxing's "green heart" project design
- 根據參數生成數值柵格要素,它具有指定的範圍大小和數值,並輸入轉換流程。NumericRasterCreator Creates a feature with a raster of the specified size with a numeric value using the parameters supplied, and sends it into the workspace for processing.
- 她的同學並沒有對她在衣服上的品位以及精心修飾的指甲留下深刻印象,更糟糕的是,her classmates aren't too impressed by her taste in clothes or obsession with manicures and, to make matters worse