
[huó zhe]



  1. 當時他要是聽了醫生的建議,現在可能還活著。
    Had he followed the doctor's advice, he might be alive now.
  2. 他去參加戰爭,沒能活著回來。
    He went off to the war never to return alive.
  3. 大洋深處生活著奇異的生物。
    Strange creatures live in the profound depths of the ocean.
  4. 很久以前,地球上生活著巨大的動物。
    Long ago enormous animals lived on the earth.
  5. 我已經放棄了她還活著的一切希望。
    I had relinquished all hope that she was alive.
  6. 這條魚仍活著。
    The fish is still alive.
  7. 只要我活著,我都會幫助你。
    As long as live, I will help you.
  8. 這兩個人中,前者已死,而後者仍然活著。
    Of these two men, the former is dead but the latter is still alive.


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