- 洲際彈道導彈(略作ICBM)an intercontinental ballis-tic missile
- 荷槍實彈的軍隊;洲際彈道導彈,炸彈和其他核武器troops bearing arms; ICBMs, bombs, and other nuclear arms.
- 俄國人首先發射了洲際彈道導彈。The Russians first fielded an intercontinental ballistic missile.
- 洲際彈道導彈((略作 ICBM))an intercontinental ballistic missile
- 洲際intercontinental
- 31A洲際彈道導彈照片和新的通訊指揮車(?)都是首此出現。The DF31A ICBM photo has been released for the first time along with the new TEL truck.
- 產品的價格略作下調to shade the products
- 彈道導彈預警雷達ballistic missile early-warning radar
- 排錯(略作printer's error
- ph.1. 彈道導彈ballistic missile
- 介詞在詞典中略作 「prep」。Preposition is abbreviated as "prep" in this dictionary.
- 空軍彈道導彈局Air Force Ballistic Missile Office
- 洲際彈道導彈突防效能模擬評估系統研究The Simulating System for Evaluating the Breakthrough Effectiveness of the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile against Missile Defense
- 自旋彈道導彈Spinning ballistic missile
- 文章中有幾處略作掩飾的缺陷。There are a few flaws that handwaved in the article.
- 他們對麵粉的價格略作調整。They made minor adjustments in flour prices.
- 戰術彈道導彈攔截anti-TBM
- 蘇格蘭(略作N.B.)North Britain (Scotland)
- 洲際彈道導彈ICBM
- 中程彈道導彈;中度轉矩midrange ballistic missiles;midrange torque.