- 注射操作用於Peyronie病Injection procedure for Peyronie disease
- 注射操作僅用於乳房輸乳管圖Injection procedure only for mammary galactogram
- 病sickness
- 注射操作練慣用模型doll for injection practice
- 注射injection
- 病的morbid
- 病死die in one's bed
- 把過多的時間用於體育運動就使用於學習的時間太少了。The devotion of too much time to sports leaves too little time for studying.
- 他會操作這台機器。He knows how to handle the machine.
- 注射劑injection
- 病機pathogenesis
- 學會熟練地操作電腦是不容易習得的。The skilful operation of a computer is hard to learn.
- 發電機用於發電。A dynamo is used to generate electricity.
- 帕金森病parkinsonism
- 皮下注射hype
- 病好了sit up and take nourishment
- 把全部注意力用於你所做的事。Give your whole attention to what you are doing.
- 注射疫苗vaccination
- 病毒性肝炎virus hepatitis
- 把時間用於學習是值得的。Time spent in study is well bestowed.