- 畢赤酵母GS115Pichia Pastoris GS115
- 人內皮抑素在畢赤酵母GS115中的表達、純化及其對人肺腺癌Astc-a-1生長和轉移抑制的研究The Expression and Purification of Recombinant Human Endostatin from Pichia.pastoris.GS115 and Study of Its Inhibitory Effects on Growth and Metastasis of Human Lung Adenocarcinoma Astc-a-1
- 對重組酵母進行誘導表達,SDS-PAGE和Western印跡分析,結果表明cGH在畢赤巴斯德酵母GS115菌株中獲得了高效表達。By analyses of the SDS-PAGE and Western blotting,it was showed that cGH protein was expressed in Pichia pastoris GS115.
- 增加植酸酶基因appA-m的拷貝提高其在巴斯德畢赤酵母的表達量Improving Phytase Expression by Increasing the Gene Copy Number of appA-m in Pichia pastoris
- 利用質粒pPIC9和pET24a(+)DNA構建了h-CR1基因畢赤酵母GS115表達載體及N端和/或C端帶有融合蛋白的多種大腸桿菌BL21-CodonPlus(DE3)-RIL表達載體。Through in vitro recombination with plasmids pPIC9 and pET24a(+), several of h-CRl gene express vectors in Pichia pastoris GS115 and E. coli BL21-CodonPlus(DE3)-RIL system were constructed. An integrated and secrete expression system for h-CRl gene in Pichia pastoris was established.
- 畢赤酵母Pichia pastoris
- 人微小纖溶酶原活性中心絲氨酸突變體基因在畢赤酵母中的表達Expression of Serine Mutant of Microplasminogen at Active Site in Methylotrophic Yeast Pichia pastoris
- 畢赤醇母P. pastoris
- 含前S1區的乙肝表面抗原嵌合基因的構建及在畢赤酵母中的表達Construction of chimeric hepatitis B surface antigen gene containing preS1 region and its expression in Pichia pastaris
- 畢赤酵母菌Pichia pastoris
- 巴斯德畢赤酵母菌Pichia pastoris
- 畢赤酵母屬Pichia
- 甲醇畢赤酵母Pichia methanolica
- 畢赤甲醇酵母Methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris
- 吉利蒙德畢赤酵母Pichia guillermondi
- 畢赤酵母基因工程菌recombinant Pichia pastoris
- 畢赤巴斯德酵母Pichia pastoris
- 庫德里阿茲威畢赤酵母Pichia kudriavzevii
- 樹榦畢赤氏酵母Pichia stipitis